Titan Poker Irish Winter Festival Satellite Reminder: Many Seats Still Left!

Giorgio | Netherlands | Friday August 6 2010, 13:39 | 0 Comments

It's been a while since we've made mention of the Irish Winter Festival 2010 satellite tournaments being held at Titan Poker, and since many free tickets into this major live big money land-based tournament are still available at Titan Poker, we thought now might be a good time to remind you about it.

In the Titan Poker 2010 Irish Winter Festival of Poker satellite promotion the iPoker Network's largest poker site is giving out prize packages valued at €2,700 each to the big event, made up of:

  • €720 for flight money, travel expenses, and handling fees
  • €280 for a stay of four nights at Dublin's Burlington Hotel
  • €1,500 + €150 for the 2010 Irish Winter Festival of poker main event

The 2010 Irish Winter Festival is taking place from October 22nd to 25th at the Burlington Hotel in Dublin, Ireland.

Play at Titan Poker

As you may recall from the first time that we told you about the 2010 Titan Poker Irish Winter Festival satellite promotion, there are two different paths to glory, so to speak; that is, there are two different satellite structures, both alike in design but divergent in scheduling, styles of poker being played, stakes, and prizes awarded.

Titan Poker 2010 Irish Winter Festival

Both Structure A and Structure B, as they are called, feature ongoing satellite series, usually following a three step, or 3 stage, system. There are several of these ladders for both Sit and Go (or SNG) tournament players and for MTT (or Multi-table tournament) players alike.

The pinnacle of performance in both Structure A and Structure B, and the last step in all the ladders, as it were, are Super Satellite tournaments on Titan Poker where the actual 2010 Irish Winter Festival prize packages will be awarded. The Structure A Super Satellite tournaments take place every Sunday through October 10. The Structure B Super Satellite tournaments take place every Tuesday through October 5. And the Structure C Super Satellite tournaments just started yesterday, Thursday August 5, on Titan Poker and will continue every Thursday thereafter until October 7.

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